Sonic generations 3ds model rips
Sonic generations 3ds model rips

Then, Classic Sonic runs through, whom Tails mistakes for Modern Sonic. Modern Sonic decides to check them out while Modern Tails stays behind. Noticing the place to be awfully familiar, Modern Sonic and Modern Tails see Casino Night and Mushroom Hill in the distance. After running through the area, it is restored, and Modern Tails, who had been turned into a statue, is restored as well. After looking around, he finds Green Hill in a white and lifeless state. Suddenly however, rumbling occurs and a Time Hole appears, sucking Modern Tails into it. However, Sonic arrives early, surprising Tails, who asks him to wait. Meanwhile, in the present, Modern Tails is preparing a surprise party to celebrate Modern Sonic's birthday. The Time Eater attacking Modern Sonic and Tails. A Time Hole then appears and the screen fades to white. However, he stops after hearing some rumbling noises. The game opens with the distant past Classic Sonic is running through Green Hill. Sonic Generation for the Nintendo 3DS is a okay port from the console port, but you just skip it or if our a big Sonic fan (like me) you could just add it to our collection.Spoiler warning: Plot, ending details or any kind of information follow. Sonic Generation 3DS port has one big problem is that Sonic team (Developers) Should have focus on the handheld Sonic games from the Game Gear, Gameboy Advance, and DS era. The level desigh is some what bad and the first three classic Sonic levels are rip right out of the games their base off. Now classic Sonic has the homing attack like his modern self which make it feel weird.

sonic generations 3ds model rips

So here how it goes if you don't like fast classic Sonic you could with faster modern Sonic with boost and everything. Gameplay is all 2D platforming which is a huge disappointing to me because the 3DS could handle 3D platformers like Super Mario 3D Land and it feels pointless playing as both Sonics. The two Sonics and the two Tails must stop what ever go on.

sonic generations 3ds model rips

The story is the same, but this time Sonic made to his birthday party and Tails (Sonic best friend) hasn't finish getting the party and the purple monster comes and takes Tails to this limbo world where he meet his past self. Sonic Generation for the 3DS is different from the console port with remade levels from past Sonic games and different boss, but it doesn't make it a good idea. The 3DS was lacking a good sonic game, so Sega decided to port Sonic Generation to the 3DS about a week after the console port was release.

Sonic generations 3ds model rips