The web app name is used as part of the default URL for your app (. You can keep the generated web app name, or change it to another unique name (valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and -). In the App Service instances pane, click +.

If the signed-in Microsoft account doesn't have your Azure subscription, click it to add the correct account. If you're already signed into a Microsoft account, make sure that account holds your Azure subscription. Make sure that Azure App Service (Windows) is selected and click Next. Select Azure as your target and click Next. In the Solution Explorer, right-click your DotNetAppSqlDb project and select Publish. The connection string name is used later in the tutorial to connect the Azure app to an Azure SQL Database. The connection string is set in the Web.config file and referenced in the Models/MyDatabaseContext.cs file. In this sample, the database context uses a connection string named MyDbConnection. The app uses a database context to connect with the database. Test the Edit, Details, and Delete links. Select the Create New link and create a couple to-do items. If you only installed Visual Studio and the prerequisites, you may have to install missing packages via NuGet.