From a Schematic/PCB Library - the change is made to the component or footprint in the corresponding library from which the component/footprint was placed.If the change is a graphical one (to a symbol or model), it is carried out within the referenced source library. From a Database Library - for a parameter or a symbol/model reference, the change is made to the corresponding record for the component in the linked external database.From an Integrated Library - the source libraries are extracted, the change is made, and the integrated library package is compiled to generate the revised integrated library.The nature of this source depends on how the component was placed: The logical place to make a change is at the source. More than likely, there will come a time when a change to a component is required - a new parameter added, a change to a model link, or maybe a change to a symbol or footprint at the graphical level. You have placed components on the schematic, maybe even fully wired, compiled, and taken the design to the board layout stage. Parent page: Searching for & Placing Components Applying Changes Directly From the Schematic Library Editor.Controlling the Update by Component Instance.

Updating Schematic Components From Libraries.